Scrisoare pentru studenți de la A.T. Kearney


Dincolo de strategii și idei de antreprenoriat, am întâlnit oameni foarte creativi, cu idei diverse și gata să pună oricărei cerințe eticheta de „profesionalism”. A.T. Kearney este o companie pentru care excelența se include în definiție. Ei doresc ca toate rezultatele pe care le obțin să însemne calitate, iar faptul că este printre singurele companii de consultanță strategică ce au fost alese ca Worldwide Partners în World Economic Forum, pentru implicarea în îmbunătățirea strategiilor unor țări confirmă această misiunea a lor.

Mai multe despre ce înseamnă viața de consultant ne-a spus Alexandra Velescu, manager la A.T. Kearney, într-o poveste despre echilibrul între dezvoltarea personală și creșterea profesională, dorința de implicare, dar și frumusețea de a regăsi pasiunea în fiecare zi de lucru. Get your english ready for this reading, iar dacă vrei să afli mai multe despre ce presupune un job și activitatea în general într-o companie de consultanță strategică, atunci te așteptăm la proiectul nostru, ToFinance, pe 5 martie, la Hotel Marshall, unde poți afla toate informațiile direct de la specialiștii de la A.T. Kearney.




Thank you for the opportunity to share with you a few thoughts about A.T. Kearney and management consulting.


Preparing to write a few words, it dawned on me that I have already spent more than 5 years with A.T. Kearney, but I guess time flies when you enjoy what you are doing. During this time, I had the chance to work on more than 15 projects across industries and topics with my main focus areas being financial services and energy. My interests are around sales strategy and customer experience design and I am happy I had the chance to help several clients on this subject. Besides this I have also worked on post-merger integration, organizational redesign, process optimization, etc. Diversity of topics is a given in our job…you name it, we have it 🙂


While the job itself is truly exciting and rewarding in terms of personal and professional development, one very important aspect is the people you are working with. Our local team and our culture is one of the aspects I love most about being with A.T. Kearney and it is also one of the drivers of our success.  Being a rather small team, we get to spend a lot of time together, sharing both happy and difficult moments and I can call many of my colleagues my friends.


Another amazing thing about management consulting is that you get to have exposure to senior management of the largest companies at very early stage in your career.  A.T. Kearney works on topics of high importance for our clients, which are typically priorities on CEOs’ agendas (e.g. commercial strategy development, business model transformation, reorganization, etc.). We work closely with the client team to solve their problems, so even as a junior consultant, you interact and get to learn from highly experienced professionals and business leaders (of course we also learn from our clients 🙂 ).


What “consulting myths” do you know? You have probably heard that as a consultant, you are always in the air or living out of your suitcase. I would say it depends. Indeed, consulting can entail a lot of travel and work on international projects. At the same time, A.T. Kearney has a strong position on the Romanian market and a solid pipeline of local projects. Thus, if you prefer to be close to home, you have plenty of opportunities to develop as consultant in Romania. Of course, if you are interested and the context matches, you can also be staffed on projects abroad. The great majority of my projects were local, but my colleagues also went to Netherlands, Sweden, Dubai, or even Australia.


If you believe that a career in management consulting would be a good fit for you, my colleagues and I will be more than happy to give you more information at our stand during the “ToFinance” Event and we highly encourage you to apply for one of our workshops afterwards. Who knows, you might get to become one of our new interns and potential management consultant for A.T. Kearney.


Alexandra Velescu, Manager A.T. Kearney


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